School Brokerage

School Brokerage

Why A School Brokerage Service?

The Oldham Brokerage Service (OBS) was a project idea developed by the forward thinking Oldham Opportunity Area Team.

The OBS supports the graduated response, a locally developed emotional health and mental wellbeing model that categorises provision locally into three tiers, universal, selected and targeted.

How The Service Works

The service aims to support local schools to understand and identify appropriate interventions available to them and their school community. We also work with providers to showcase and promote their specialised services with a view to enabling schools to make an informed choice about the service which best meets their student needs.

In response to Covid 19 and the National Lockdown, the OBS team changed the direction of our support, as well as working with schools we aimed to meet the needs of parents who suddenly found themselves in the role of teachers, parents, care givers and councillors. In partnership with relevant key stakeholders across Oldham, Solihull (the award winning online training programme) was purchased and made available to all who live, work or study in Oldham.

The objective of this training course is to educate and enhance understanding and knowledge of the development pathways of children from birth to early adulthood. It was hoped that Solihull could positively impact on homelife and the relationship between parents and children.

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