Cancer Prehab

Cancer Prehab

What Is ABL's Cancer Prehab Service?

ABL’s Cancer Prehab Service provides community based prehabilitation to patients preparing for cancer treatment, with the aim of improving outcomes associated with surgery by reducing complications and improving recovery time. This is achieved by supporting patients to improve their health and wellbeing through engaging in exercise, make lifestyle changes (i.e. reducing alcohol intake, smoking cessation) and have improved emotional well-being.

How It Works

We understand that cancer patients also experience a range of secondary symptoms including fatigue, low mood and feelings of anxiety. The service builds on the widely understood principles surrounding exercise positively contributing to the reduction of such secondary symptoms with the overall aim for patients to have improved quality of life, during and after treatment. This in turn supports people with cancer to recover faster from their treatment with resumed independence and the ability to perform their pre-morbid occupations including returning to work, self-care and other important activities of daily life.

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